Sunday, November 17, 2019

Words o' Wisdom from Mr. Swinehart

Mr. S. at the office messages the following to me. I'm not sure of the significance of the date or where this came from but Lord A'mighty did it make me laugh!

11/25 mark your calendar

Saying "you need to calm down"
- lacks empathy
- a rude command
- stating the obvious

Saying "good, good, let the hate flow through you"
- affirmative of their feelings
- confirms it is normal to be upset
- helps them embrace the unlimited potential of the dark side

Friday, October 25, 2019

The End is Nigh

I have no idea why I wrote the below but I am certain it was in regard to one of my jobs and management's meddling and making things even more miserable, while they act like the changes they are to enforce are a wonderful thing when they never are.

Stop trying to paint a holocaust in pretty pastels. Out future is grim and bleak - don't lie about it to our face.

Monday, September 23, 2019

This Girl Ain't Havin' It

Bitching with a coworker about getting Quality Assurance reviews, I said how much I loathed that the adviser would tell me all the teeny tiny Mickey Mouse bullshit things I did wrong and then try to end on a high note with some incidental bit of praise. I was so angry I wanted to say to the guy, "Look, pal, don't bother to complement my gown while you lead me to the guillotine."

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


Try to say this word and pronounce the silent P. It's damn near impossible.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wick Away

Years ago, Marina and I were searching for hiking socks for her trip to Machu Picchu. The fella at REI told us to look for ones that "wick away". We had never heard of this term and were told that those types of socks wick away moisture. That made even less sense. I still don't fully grasp how this is possible. Anyway, from that moment on we talked of nothing but things that wick away.

Marina: "Here's a shirt that wicks away. It's on sale - for thirty nine bucks!"
Star: "Jesus, fer that much money if yer drownin' in the ocean it better wick away til you're settin' pretty."
Marina: "If you're in a raft it blows you out of the water and propels you onto land.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Office

One of my all-time favourite moments in the US TV series version of The Office, and there were many, was in season seven episode five called The Sting. Michael and Dwight were spying on rival salesman Danny Cordray played by Timothy Olyphant, who removes his suit jacket to display his hotness even more. Dwight speaks first with Michael giving one of his best lines ever. Jim just looks on in bewilderment.


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Frank's Take on Chuck

Listening to Frank Langella's audiobook for his memoir Dropped Names was so wonderful that I have to share his description of Charleton Heston on the blog that I have left in the dust for over four years. Langella said, "He possessed about as much sex appeal as a railroad tie and was almost as humorous as a CAT scan." Oh my god, that was so funny I had to pull the car over, wipe my eyes, and then rummage in the glove box for pen and paper so as to write that gem of a statement down.

Where Youse At?