Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blind Leading the Blind

Last night I was telling Melissa of the time Fr. Michael was dating a blind guy named Peter. I said that one time the two of them went to Chili's for dinner. They walk in to the hostess stand and Peter says, "Michael, where are we? This isn't Chili's."
"Yes it is. That's what the sign out front said. Wow, they must have really revamped this place. It's so, they have a waterfall!"
"Yes, I hear that, but I'm telling you, we are not in Chili's."
"Peter, I know how to read and the sign outside said Chili's. Here comes the hostess; I'll ask her."
That's when she informed them that they were indeed not in Chili's.
Melissa asked what ever happened to Peter and I replied, "Oh, he's not seeing him anymore." That's when Melissa burst out laughing and said, "Duh."

1 comment:

emily rose said...

aaaaaahahahaha - so where WERE they if not in chilis???

Where Youse At?