Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Ice Cube of The Hellmouth

Once while at the counter daydreaming, Blaine quickly walked up, stood directly in front of me and said, "I just checked myself...and I've wrecked myself." He then dashed off leaving me in stitches on the café floor mats. God damn that fella is a hoot.


emily rose said...

is this a memory gone awry or did you name him blaine bc i said he looked like a guy from my old soap - blake something or other? if so, you are hilarious! if not, i have THE worst memory and imaginative mind in the world.... george clooney can i have a sip of that please???

Star said...

blaine is b/c of bogart's character in "casablana" and also b/c of that actor in your soap who resembles blaine. so, tell george to put his diet sprite back in its cup holder, dear.

Where Youse At?