Thursday, September 8, 2011


While waiting in line at the concession stand of Marina's local movie theatre, we stood, mouths agape over the prices. This is nothing new. Everyone who attends their local cineplex is appalled at what they charge. It's as if the theatre is unaware of the cost of these items in the real world. The small is 16oz, medium is 24oz, and then large is 64 oz. It makes zero sense. I turned to Marina and said, "This is ridackulous. It's like 'Ma'am what are your sizes and prices?' 'Well, we have an eyedropper for $4.25, a thimble for 5.25, and a trough for 5.75.' And therein lies the absurdity. The entire system of sizing and pricing was clearly set up by a team of brain dead orangutans." Marina and I then decided to leave the queue and head to theatre with only our saliva to subsist on.

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