Thursday, September 1, 2011


So I finally got a chance to catch up with Melissa the other night and she was filling me in on her weekend. Saturday night the hurricane was getting into full swing and Melis was on her feet all night at the restaurant. They decided to close early and she said that there was one older couple that seemed unfazed by the roaring winds and torrential downpour. Melissa told me, "This old guy was a total World War 2 vet - I could just tell from looking at him. I told him that we would be closing early cause of the storm and he looked at me as if to convey 'Hurricane? I killed Nazis fer Chrissakes. Bring me another scotch, sweetie!' I was almost furious with them for staying so late and drinking themselves into oblivion, but he referred to his wife at one point as his bride, so I couldn't stay mad." (As she told this story I pictured Carwood Lipton in a blue polo shirt and freshly pressed slacks with white leather loafers.)

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