Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wayne Disses Stargate Gal

My three brothers are huge Sci-Fi geeks and were all about the series Stargate last year. Wayne was telling me of one character who is a little too smart for her own good and thus really irritating. "She makes Leonardo DaVinci look like a garbage man," Wayne rants, "It's like she knows everything. It's so annoying. It'll be like, 'Well, back when I was a tennis pro...' or 'When I went to culinary school...' It's like she has the answer to any problem at her fingertips and it's completely unbelievable and ridiculous and annoying. Ah..."


Cerpts said...

Why don't she get out into that kitchen and bake me a pie!

Dumb old girls!

Star said...

just cuz she went to culinary school doesn't mean that she was successful, or even graduated. i bet my pies are better...

Cerpts said...

I've always said so!

Star said...

but my pies can't hold a candle to your pistachio cake.

Where Youse At?