Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fr. Michael Gets Offensive

Thursday night at quarter to nine, Fr. Michael and I went to a Health Food Restaurant near my place. It's supposed to be open until ten, but when we walked in they told us that they were in fact closed. It should be noted that the waitress who informed us of this was standing directly beneath a flashing neon "open" sign. Fr. Michael had been looking forward to this particular eatery, but I explained that they may be closing early because of Hanukkah since the place was run by Jews. (I assumed this because they were closed on Yom Kippur & Rosh Hashanah. Apparently I crave the company of young Jewish waiters on the Holy Days of the Jewish faith. Who could blame me?) Once inside the car, Michael announced his displeasure by saying, "Christ killers" under his breath. I then suggested that we give the Afghan place a whirl. We pull up just to see the hostess click off the "open" sign. Then as we pulled away to give the Indian restaurant a try, Michael says, "Fuckin' Taliban. No room at the fuckin' inn ta-night." I found all of these outlandish remarks to be somewhat hilarious because they were all clearly said to shock me and I know where his heart really lies. Also, we were able to get some grub at Coriander and it was delicious.


Cerpts said...

Fine. You run around town with some errant priest while your husband sits home alone and unloved.

Star said...

alone, perhaps, but certainly not unloved!!

Where Youse At?